Understanding the Basic WCB Compensation Rates in BC

Understanding the Basic WCB Compensation Rates in BC

How much does WCB pay in BC? RSCM Policy Item: C1-1.30 states that there are a variety of types of compensation provided under the Workers Compensation Act: 

  1. Payments to compensate the injured worker for loss of earnings
    caused by a temporary disability 
  1. Payments to a worker where the employer has failed to comply with
    the obligations under the duty to maintain employment
  1. Payments to compensate permanent disability that results from a
    worker’s injury, for actual or estimated permanent loss of earnings
  1. Compensation to dependants for loss of support by a deceased
  1. Health care benefits
  1. Vocational rehabilitation assistance

Once a claim is accepted the basic compensation is for: Health Care Benefits, and if time was lost at work, then Wage-loss Benefits. If the injury does not resolve a worker may be entitled to Long-Term Disability Benefits, and Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits. 

Factors Influencing Your WCB Payment Amount

How much WCB pays in BC can be different for every claim. Payment awards are influenced by a variety of factors, including but not limited to, your pre-injury earnings, your work schedule (are you a full-time or part-time worker, or a casual worker with a sporadic pattern of work), and if you are self-employed and have Personal Option Protection coverage. The payment amount is also impacted by how much work you missed, if you are able to recover at work, and if you are able to return to work. 

Common Misconceptions About WCB Payments

If you are wondering, how much does WCB pay in BC, it is important the recognize that there are some common about WCB Payments: 

  1. That an injured worker will receive all the compensation they are entitled to: WCB Payments cover what the Board has decided a worker is entitled to receive, however there may be other factors or relevant information that has not been considered in the decision process, and if a worker does not know to inquire about it then they may receive smaller payments than they are entitled too. 
  1. That an injured worker will continue to receive payments for as long as they are injured and as long as they are off work: Entitlement to WCB payments is based on a variety of factors, and even if a worker is still off from work after an injury WorkSafeBC may decide the injury has resolved, the worker or employer is not cooperating, or the worker should be returning to work. In this case benefits may be suspended or reduced. 
  1. That all medical bills will be covered by WCB Payments: While WorkSafeBC may decide that an injured worker is entitled to Health Care Benefits, they still may deny costs associated with certain treatments or assessments if the Board finds them to be unnecessary or unrelated, which could leave the worker with the bill.

Potential Challenges in Securing Maximum Benefits

WCB may aim to deny a worker’s claim and minimize an injured worker’s disability award compensation. For this reason it can be difficult for workers to secure maximum benefits. If you’re asking how much does WCB pay in BC, the answer is, it depends. A decision made by the Board regarding benefits may need to be appealed in order to secure maximum benefits, however the appeal process can be daunting to a worker not familiar with the process and dealing with a workplace injury. An experienced WCB Lawyer can play a pivotal role in helping navigate the process and overcoming the hurdles that make it difficult to secure maximum benefits. 

The Role of Documentation in Determining WCB Payments

WorkSafeBC will make decisions regarding your benefits from the evidence available to them, having detailed documentation regarding your injury and your claim assists WorkSafe in determining WCB payments. If documentation is not provided WCB may default to providing a lower amount of benefits due to lack of evidence to support higher payment amounts. Which makes it difficult to answer, how much does WCB pay in BC, as documentation plays a significant role in determining WCB Payments. 

Benefits of Consulting a WCB Lawyer for your Claim

How much WCB pays in BC is a common question an injured worker may be asking and an experienced WCB (WorkSafeBC) lawyer can assist in getting you the maximum amount you are entitled to under your claim. The process of dealing with claims and appeals can be exhausting, consulting a WorkSafe Lawyer can be beneficial in making the process more manageable. If you find yourself facing difficulties in the Workers’ Compensation process, do not hesitate to consult with our firm. Contact us at 604-591-8187 or by email at info@gosalandcompany.com.